Easy Homemade Vizsla Treats For Life On The Go

Do you own a Vizsla that keeps you on the go and want to give him (or her) easy treats that are rich in vitamins and nutrients and made with only fresh ingredients? Here are some easy homemade Vizsla treats for life on the go.

Homemade treats like jerky, chews, and fruit leather are simple to make, packed with nutrients that all Vizslas need to stay healthy, and lightweight and naturally preserved for easy storage and portability. Other options like oven-baked natural dog biscuits or no-bake peanut butter protein balls require a bit more effort for cooking and shelf-life but are good backup options. 

Suppose you’re a dog owner; then you know that treats come with the territory. Treating your dog is the best way to reinforce good behavior positively. However, being a Vizsla owner takes it a step further. Vizslas stay lean and burn through a lot of calories on hikes and camping trips, so it’s a good idea to have some quick and easy homemade vizsla treats for life on the go on hand to help them refuel and maintain their energy and muscles.

There are many recipes on the internet for delicious dog treats, but today we will focus on easy homemade Vizsla treats that are dehydrated. These treats have a long shelf-life and are easy to pack and carry anywhere you and your Vizsla decide to explore.

Any treats on this list can be dehydrated in a standard oven, but a good food dehydrator will produce larger batches and deliver a much better result. This is the food dehydrator that I use and recommend for its size and quality, but if you’re looking for an even more cost-friendly food dehydrator, this is an excellent machine for the price and was the machine from which I upgraded.

What to Keep In Mind When Making Homemade Vizsla Treats

Research any jerky recipe, and you’ll find a lot of ingredients that add excellent seasoning and flavor. However, dogs don’t require taste the same way we do, and in many instances, additional seasoning may harm your pet. The treats on this list intend for only the best natural ingredients without other flavor additions. If you’re used to cooking for yourself, you may be tempted to consider these treats bland, but for your Vizsla, the treats on this list are what they need to stay happy and healthy.

As with any dietary adjustment, it is best practice to consult your veterinarian before adding any foods to your Vizsla’s diet.

Why Make Your Own Homemade Vizsla Treats?

Having control of what goes into the food is one of the main reasons making your own homemade Vizsla treats is a preferred choice for many. As with most food people and pets consume, prepackaged dog treats contain fats, fillers, preservatives, and dyes. Along with having control over what ingredients go into the food, you’ll also have more control over your Vizsla’s diet.

Another benefit of making your dog treats at home is the substantial savings over the lifetime of your pet. In addition, dog treats are easy to make with fresh yet humble ingredients, so you’ll be able to make treats weekly for a fraction of the cost. An added benefit to taking the time to make Vizsla treats at home is that it allows you to make some for yourself while you’re already at it.

If you keep reading, you’ll learn more about the best easy homemade Vizsla treats for life on the go!


Whether making Beef, Chicken, or even Salmon jerky, your Vizsla will look forward to these treats every time, and let me tell you why. Vizslas are built to eat a lot of protein. It helps them maintain their muscles and energy level. These homemade jerky treats are solid protein without the added sugars and sodium typically found in jerky. And since they are dehydrated, they make a perfectly portable snack that is easy to award to your Vizsla at the campsite, on the hiking trail, or anywhere.

Here is the perfect recipe for beef, chicken, or salmon jerky dog treats. It has a 20-minute prep time and cooks in the dehydrator (or oven set at the lowest setting) for 4-8 hours, depending on the batch size and thickness of your jerky. This recipe includes an optional marinade, but my Vizsla, Jagger, loves them without it.

Carrot Chews

Carrots are not only very healthy for your dog, but they are also cheap and abundantly available. In addition, your Vizsla will get the benefits of Vitamin A, potassium, and fiber from these quick and easy homemade Vizsla treats.

This dehydrated carrot chew recipe provides excellent instructions on making these healthy dog treats, whether using an oven or a food dehydrator. A vegetable peeler to slice thin-to-medium-thick carrot ribbons is an easy way to cut the carrots. This dog treat takes 10 minutes of prep time and about 4-8 hours in the dehydrator, depending on the batch size and thickness of your carrots. Trust me, you (or, should I say, your pup) will be rewarded for your patience and time.

Sweet Potato Chews

Practically the same cooking method as the carrot chews, sweet potatoes are another healthy snack that Vizslas love. Sweet potatoes provide a great source of Vitamin A, C, B6, Calcium, Iron, and Potassium. Vitamin A is beneficial for Vizslas, as it promotes a healthy coat and skin – both of which are prone to allergies in Vizslas if not guarded against with proper dietary vitamins.

The recipe for carrot chews found here is the same cooking method you will want to use for sweet potatoes. The fun thing about making homemade Vizsla treats is you can keep an eye on them and take them out at your desired level of dehydration. Always remember, if you let them dehydrate to crispiness, you may need to tear the treats into manageable sizes for your dog so they don’t choke.

Fruit Leather

Since childhood, I’ve been a fan of fruit leather. The tartness of the fruit mixed with the chewy texture is a magical combination that embodies every sense of the word treat. Your Vizsla is no different, and they will go crazy for these healthy homemade Vizsla treats. They couldn’t be easier to make yourself at home to have on hand for your next adventure with your Vizsla

This recipe calls for blueberries, bananas, and chia seeds, but feel free to experiment with other dog-friendly fruits, like strawberries, cranberries, or mango. Chia seeds are excellent at providing protein and Omega-3 fatty acids, the berries offer vitamins C and K, and the bananas provide biotin, fiber, and potassium. All vitamins and nutrients Vizslas require for proper health.

The prep time for this recipe is about 10 minutes, and the cooking time in a dehydrator will be closer to 8 hours to achieve the leathery texture for which this treat is known.

Dehydrated Chicken Feet

I expect this homemade treat to weird a few people out, but hear me out. I regularly buy chicken feet from the Asian grocery store near me to use in stocks for their very high collagen and cartilage content. It gives soups and stocks the velvety mouth feel that is so desirable. Your Vizsla will enjoy them for the same reasons.

They are incredibly cheap and abundant, but they are also packed with glucosamine and chondroitin, naturally found in cartilage and connective tissues. Vizslas have a higher risk of arthritis and joint issues than other dog breeds, so consuming chicken feet provides them with the nutrients they need for better joint support. They are also a high-protein treat. Of course, you should avoid giving bones to dogs, but chicken feet are made of cartilage, skin, and connective tissues and, therefore, are a perfectly easy homemade Vizsla treat for life on the go with your Vizsla.

The prep time for this dehydrated chicken feet recipe is about 20 minutes, and the cooking time in a food dehydrator will require about 24 hours or until they are dry.

What Are Some Treats That You Shouldn’t Feed Your Vizsla?

The following ingredients are foods that are harmful to dogs and, therefore, should never be given to them or used in homemade dog treats.

• Chocolate
• Grapes
• Corn on the cob
• Avocado
• Cooked Bones
• Added sugar 
• Added spices